Did you know that most Primary Care Providers have between 2,500-3,500 patients? We limit our practice to under 1,000 patients total. That means that your doctor spends more time with you when you need him. Plus, when he is not actively seeing a patient, he is able to help coordinate your care and research your treatments.
Dr. Jones does not bill any insurance plans so you won’t have a middle-man in your primary care. Decisions about your healthcare will be made by you and your doctor without the impersonal management that comes from third-party payers. We are restoring the doctor-patient relationship as it should be, that is, without the interference of outside impersonal agencies. Instead, patients pay a monthly membership fee which can save money and covers excellent treatment. Give it a try, and you’ll quickly see for yourself the value of this approach!
No hidden fees or complex invoicing. You'll know exactly what you're paying and exactly what you're getting.
Initial Signup Fee: $75
Employers: Please contact us
$120 8am-5pm M-F
$150 after hours
No additional benefits